December 14, 2022 Meeting



The templates for the clinic pages have been added so that these pages can be previewed.

Fellowships and Residencies

Zane inquired about the ability to auto-populate the various lists of residencies and fellowships throughout including the Programs page under the Residents area and the Residency and Fellowship Programs page under Graduate Medical Education. We will add this feature in early January 2023 using either custom page types or a macro and there will be several options available for organizing these lists of programs.

Occupational Therapy

We provided the list of editors for the Occupational Therapy program to Cassie during the meeting.

Obstetrics, Gynecology, and Reproductive Sciences

We're still waiting to find out whether the Department of Obstetrics, Gynecology, and Reproductive Sciences will need to use the Basic Alumni Directory Listing page type.

MD Program

As Cassie mentioned in the November communicator meeting, restructuring the MD Program area of the website is still the next priority for her group.

Department of Medicine

Cassie and Zane are determining where the Department of Medicine should put their attention. We confirmed that the upcoming Fellowships page under this department will find and list all of the fellowship pages throughout this area.