September 6, 2023 Meeting


WVU Health

We continued the discussion from yesterday's meeting about the ability to highlight multiple items on a cover page , sometimes including a mix of both internal-facing and recruitment focused information.

Aligning with the intention for the WVU Health homepage to feel like a magazine cover, we will create separate focused "briefs", one to highlight each event as the focus, and the homepage would feature the highest priority "brief" with a smaller emphasis on the other "briefs". We realize that having individual pages focused on individual items will be beneficial to link to from social media.

Jess and Bill will provide the content to create individual "briefs" for Diversity Week (September 17-23, 2023), Healthcare Simulation Week (September 18-22, 2023), and Global Health Week with the "Healthcare Simulation Week" brief being the prominent item on the homepage. National Postdoc Appreciation Week (September 18-2022, 2023) will be promoted through social media.

We plan to have this concept built and launched by Friday, September 15.

Google Analytics in Cabin

In a previous meeting, Bill mentioned that past Google Analytics information, specifically before September 2022, seem to be missing in Cabin. We remembered that the Google Analytics reports were in PDF form prior to September 2022 and each should be linked to from the notes of the corresponding communicator meetings.

We briefly discussed using Google Looker Studio to present the Google Analytics for each school which will let Bill choose specific dates to filter by without any additional work. Dan will set up a report in Looker Studio prior to our next Monthly Website Updates meeting on October 4, 2023.

Social Media

We briefly discussed the future of Clay's presence on social media. Tyler mentioned that Clay is interested in having an Instagram account but the challenge is that taking photos of Clay's engagements often isn't a priority. Shawn suggested potentially scheduling a photo shoot with Clay to capture him in various engagements and places to create a pool of photos to use throughout the year when a more appropriate photo isn't available.

We also discussed advocating for the marketing for each school to more of an emphasis on social media as creating social media posts is more accommodating and efficient than creating landing pages in each website.

Human Resources

We discussed the outdated state of the Health Sciences Human Resources page and we agreed that this page may not be relevant to keep around since WVU Shared Services have taken on the responsibilities of HR at Health Sciences.