November 2, 2022 Meeting



Per the notes from the previous Weekly Check-in meeting earlier this week, we briefly reviewed the current progress of the Well-being template moved into Umbraco and the structure of the filterable resources in Umbraco which is ready for Jess and Sophia to begin adding to.

Communication Guide

We discussed the minor feedback we received about the Communication Guide website.

The "Set up Zoom events" item in the "How Do I...?" area on the homepage links to a page that may not actually include any information about Zoom events. We recommend using the "hash" next to each heading throughout the website to link to particular area of a page.

In the current structure of the Contact a Communicator page, it might be beneficial to use additional subheadings to clarify who should be contacted for particular requests or issues.

Shawn is working on a new area of the Website Content Guide pertaining to creating an event at Health Sciences and including first steps referenced in the Communication Guide. We will continue to cross-reference the Communication Guide from the Website Content Guide.

Pharmacy Residency Program

Bill will pass along additional edits to the Pharmacy Residency Program website ahead of the School of Pharmacy communicator meeting next week.