November 1, 2022 Meeting



We reviewed the current progress of the Well-being template moved into Umbraco. This page has not been made editable yet.

  • Tara and Jess will provide the text in each card item under the "Healthy and Well Mountaineers" heading, keeping the character limit to 3 lines.
  • Tara requested that a section with a focus on WellWVU be added including information about receiving care, education, etc.
  • Tara also requested that a "crisis" component be added to the page, preferably near the top, with a brief message and link to the WVU Carruth Center. This component may be similar to the red circle area on each of the pages throughout the Addiction website.
  • Bill will work with Jess to provide photo options with a brief caption to display in a full-width area on the Well-being page.
  • Can the WVU Calendar be filtered to only show well-being related events and a link be provided for this?

Tara mentioned that messaging for both students and staff about how to access well-being resources will be going out in the next week or so that we should be able to pull valuable resources from.

We also reviewed the structure of the filterable resources in Umbraco which is ready for Jess and Sophia to begin adding to. This page will display each resource but the filtering does not function yet.

Tara and Bill will provide a better (catchier) name for this "Resources" page. Bill suggested "Paths to Wellness".


The structure of the Clinics area is set up in Umbraco for Tara, Jess, and Bill to being adding information to, starting with Travel Medicine. Bill will work with Cassie and Zane to begin adding the information for theĀ Speech, Language, and Hearing Clinic. Tara mentioned that the structure of these pages might be a great fit for information about the Human Performance Lab.

Tara confirmed that clinics that aren't split into multiple sections will still need to list services and providers. We will add the ability to choose to add a clinic page with or without sections to clarify where services and providers should be added for each.

While these pages do not currently have a template to view, the template will look very close to the previously previewed mock-up.


We reviewed the mock-up of the updated "Experts" page in the Addiction website with the videos of interviews with Clay and Reporting on Addiction link. The updates are approved and Tara suggested that the page should be renamed to "Media Resources".


While the communicators are working on at least one profile each for December commencement, Tara requested that the information on the Health Sciences Commencement website be update to reflect the information on the WVU December Commencement website.

Diversity in Directory

Tara shared the WVU Badges website with the selection of badges that students and faculty can earn as a reference for potentially adding the ability to display badges in a Directory profile. She mentioned that Clay is requiring all students to earn the Tobacco Treatment Specialist badge before graduating.

Institute for Community and Rural Health

Bill is meeting with Christie Zachary in the Institute for Community and Rural Health group on Friday to review the migrated ICRH website into the HSC Themes V2 templates.