February 14, 2023 Meeting


Data breach disclosure

Brent Bunner will provide updated information to add to the HSC Finance and Business Risk Management page. The deadline to have this information presented is in March.


Student Feedback

Jess will add copy about the well-being wheel higher up on the Well-being page with tagged words that jump down to well-being wheel. Also, we will potentially add copy near the top of this page about Paths to Well-being.

Replace the card that previous displayed Clay's photo with a message and link to the Purpose Center.

Dan renamed the "Addiction" link in the top navigation to the "Addiction and Recovery".

Paths to Well-being

We are still working on adding the additional filters to the Paths to Well-being page.

We will add a set of items across the top of this page that highlight a particular set of filtered resources throughout the year. Using the Michigan State shooting event as an example, the page will be filtered to show resources to help students understand and cope with information about this.

Shawn will share ideas for the Well-being sub-footer links for colleges and schools to display in websites across the University.

Jess requested that the link to each resource opens in a new window.

Travel Medicine

Bill will reach out to Yetta Bretzman to redirect the current Travel Medicine URL to the new Travel Medicine page.

Office 365

As discussed in a previous meeting, internal links will be removed from the WVU Footer in each website and these links will be added to a prominent area on the Hub homepage.

Blue Sky

Bill provided the copy for the callout for the Operation Blue Sky information to be presented on the Who We Are page.

Jess will add a new event collection under the WVU Events for Blue Sky events.


Rather than adding a new page under the chancellor website with information about the Inside Out series, we agreed that an event series should be added for this under the WVU Events with a link to the YouTube album of the recordings of previous events.

External websites

Shawn mentioned two external websites (https://wvadhd.org/ and https://sempguidelines.org/) that have no affiliation to the University pertaining to information that could really be on pages under the School of Pharmacy website. Both of these websites are breaking brand guidelines by presenting logos and such.

We will discuss these websites with Christa.