6/6/19 Meeting


What We Discussed

  • HSC Themes vs. SPH Subsites - Kim wanted to know what the difference was that determines whether a site gets HSC Themes instead of the SPH Subsite design. The difference is the correlation between that site and the school. Are they directly connected? Those will get the SPH Subsite design. Are they just an entity that is housed under your school, but isn't necessarily related to what the school does? That's when it becomes an HSC Theme. She also wanted clarity over a faculty member's website which is dedicated to a cause and is funded by more than one place, but is not directly related to the school itself. In short, we are fine with these websites existing as long as they are not directly duplicating copy from the main school website, or egregiously breaking other rules like inappropriate content, payment collection, etc. We told Kim to use her best judgement if other cases should come up, but in this case, it would be fine to link out to this website if a page on the school site has content that is related.
  • OLLI HSC Theme V2 - Michelle is out 6/3 - 6/7. We told Kim that we were going to work on some little tweaks this week, and then have the dev environment ready for Michelle next week (6/10 - 6/14).
  • Standard Operating Guidelines (SOG) - Kim wanted a way to put these on the Hub. She said they are something her people are often getting confused about/not finding, but they are extremely important. We told her to put together a page (in word or Umbraco, wherever is best for her), and then send it to us to put on Hub. She said that the person responsible for that page's content will want access to it to make changes, and will not want to go through the process of e-mailing someone else to get things updated. We do not allow editors of any kind into Hub yet, as we need to get things set up and good first. In the iterim, we told her to make a page in SPH, hidden from the navigation, and we can create a link on Hub. We will talk amongst ourselves and the systems team to determine what is possible for specific editor isolation in Umbraco. We will also talk with Tara as whatever we do would likely affect the functionality of all of hub, not just your page.
  • Hub Calendar - Kim wanted to know what the deal is with the calendar on her SPH page just being the HSC calendar. Unfortunately, most of this comes back to the mess that is Calendar. In the future, each school will have it's own internal calendar category. In the interim, we can change it to at least display the full SPH calendar.
  • Discover
    • Analytics and Updates - Kim requested analytics for September - December 2018 to see if people were accessing it and how they were using it. They may want to reuse this page come this fall.
    • Discover Video - Kim said they finally have a What is Public Health? video! It can be one long video with two separate segments, or cut in half to be two separate videos, each with their own additional ending. She was wondering how we could integrate this into the website. We suggested that there are many possibilities, like creating a bar on the Home Page, building something into the Students Page, and using it on the Discover Page (depending on what is decided on if it's being reused this year).
  • Welcome Week - We showed Kim the Welcome Week Page made for SOM last year. We talked about how she should start thinking about what she would want to highlight on her own Welcome Week Page, and that we could potentially build the same thing, but it would be designed more like SPH, and would cater to the content she thinks should be there. We gave her a guestimate of August, as Welcome Week starts August 15th. When asked which August project we should focus if we cannot get to both projects, she said this the Students Page is higher priority.
  • Student Resources -
    • Bar on the Students Page - Kim mentioned that she's been filtering complaints for the past few months since we added this bar. People are still not finding these resources, which are definitely valuable to a prospective student. We agreed that we need to reapproach thing in a way that it can be expressed to both prospective students and current students. In the interim, we suggested creating a feature and using the feature buttons to point people to Student Resources.
    • Handbooks and Manuals - As we discussed in the past, Kim would like to have a bar added to the Student Resource Page to better identify these. She is ready for us to go ahead and start on that change.
  • Students Page - As a part of the Student Resources Bar discussion above, Shawn suggested we pivot the Students Page in it's entirety. This would allow us to better assess how to address these issues in a design that flows better, rather that just inserting or removing another bar. We said this would take a lot of time, and guestimated a rough August timeline for execution. When asked which August project we should focus if we cannot get to both projects, she said this is the priority.
  • Parent-to-Parent Letter - Kim brought to our attention a letter that a parent wrote. She felt it would be something valuable to other parents. We talked about how it could become it's own unique page like Discover, and be integrated into the Welcome Week page we're proposing. In the interim, we suggested she could create a feature on the Students Page to point people to it.
  • Blockquote Fix - Kim brought a print-out showing us a page that has a blockquote overlapping a floating image. She has since fixed it by adding more text above the blockquote to force it not to overlap. We did not build blockquotes to work with image floats, so we will have to think about how to properly fix this and avoid it in the future as it's more complicated than it seems.
  • News Page - Kim asked if we could add a secondary widget to the News Page which would point people out to the WVU Today website. We said we could do that.
  • Faculty Awards & Publications - Kim was looking for a way that she could highlight when Faculty are getting awards and releasing new publications. We suggested creating a page dedicated to this, then adding a feature to the About page to push people there, as well as generally creating links to point people to the page.
  • Residency Program Changes - We told Kim that once she is finished going through and setting up the content for the new Residency Pages, the stylistic changes we need to make shouldn't take long on their own as I prepared some of them a while back. Once she's done she'll give us the go ahead and we will implement them. She would like this out by the end of next week (6/14).
  • Strategic Planning - Kim is still waiting on people to get her proper content. She would like this done for the end of the month of June.
  • New Profiles (Video) - Kim also mentioned the desire to put video into Student Profiles, which will be built into the new Centralized Profiles. I told her my goal was to have centralized profiles complete by the end of the month.

Outside of the Meeting Requests

  • Program Page Changes -
    • Multiple changes have been requested, which I have logged in one task.
  • Program Page Careers and Employers Widgets - Kim wasn't sure if this was changed, but wanted to know why the text for these bulleted lists is so small. We decided to make them smaller for two reasons, (1) because the content, while it is supporting, is not as important as the main content, and (2) because of the ability to add so many to each list, the boxes are stretching down the majority of the page. I suggested that we limit the number allowed for each list (5-7 max) to allow for an increase in font size.
  • Feature Area Buttons - After we suggested Kim make feature areas on her landing pages with actions, she realized she couldn't even add buttons because we didn't have them turned on everywhere. She asked for this to be completed ASAP. This was completed by mid-afternoon.

What to Expect From Us

I will update this when I have a better idea of a timeline to provide you.