10/12/2023 Meeting


Diversity Equity and Inclusion Page

Shawn mentioned that Christa was wrapping up some of the DEI stuff.  Bill was working through some things and indicated he would have those complete by this afternoon.  When Christa went to the meeting several people were either missing or no longer on the DEI committee. 

Shawn thinks outside the personnel stuff that we are in a decent place to make the DEI webpage live.  Christa mentioned she had a meeting tomorrow at 11:30 with the group and would bring this up then. 

Shawn asked if we wanted to make the DEI and new about us pages live and take down the current pharmacy about page.  He felt that we are in a pretty good spot to do this.  Christa didn't have a problem with this but wasn't sure if any stakeholders would object if the page went live.  Shawn offered that we could always revert if need be and we could fix any issues on the fly.  Christa decided that we should hold off because people want to approve it beforehand.  Shawn said to let us know how the meeting goes and we could make plans to launch on the 19th or 20th of next week.  He suggested that in the meeting tomorrow that Christa could make the suggestion to wrap this review phase up and possibly prepare for the launch.

DEI News

Christa asked how to make DEI new stories and if there was a specific tag she would need to use.  Shawn mentioned that we made a specific sub category for these types of stories.  If you make any story in pharmacy there is a secondary category called "diversity-equity-and-inclusivity" that will allow these stories to be pulled into the DEI page. 

Christa mentioned that everything for the complaint form would have to be approved by Mr. Goins (sp?) first.  Most of the schools have a single person that views form submissions but medicine is different because it so massive.  Christa said she will have a meeting with Goins to figure out how the process goes. 

She was wondering if the forms get shared within each of the schools?  Shawn said that other schools take these to their committee meetings and the committee decides whether or not it needs to be elevated to someone above the school.  Christa had concerns that they would want to know what is happening in our own school and be able to handle it in house.

Pharmacy Photoshoot

Christa just got some really nice photos from ASHP in September.  They have full access to those and she wanted to use those photos to sprinkle through out the website to make it more up to date.  Shawn mentioned that she could reach out to us if she has any difficulty putting content on the site such as areas that are not editable. 


Pharmacy Analytics Dashboard

Shawn mentioned that we are updating analytics which will make data browsing better and passed the discussion over to Bill.  The main university digital team incorporated a dashboard into their clean slate.  With the help of Tatso Johnson and Dan we were able to get the program for that tool and incorporate it into Umbraco or cabin. 

If you go to your cabin site and look under utilities you will find an analytics option.  This takes you to the school of pharmacy dashboard.  The dashboard provides a quick and easy way to view the analytics on your pages.  You can adjust the date range.  It will be more accessible to the communicators and wont have to rely on Bill. 

The goal of the dashboard is that the monthly reports will go away and bill will be able to spend more time going over analytics and help identify things that are and aren't working.  He will be able to generate a different report that will delve deeper into the website.  Christa did a little report for the dean on Facebook and she was going to compare this against the actually website analytics.  This would be on the missions or main page.  

This way if anyone ever asks you about what's going on with the website.  If you click on the comparison link it tells you how many people looked at the site per date range and provides some quick answers on how the site is performing.

Christa mentioned she boosted the ad on Facebook.  Bill said you would be able to see a spike on that day.  She was able to see new users for this time period and this is where the ad link goes.  She is about seven to eight days into the boost. 

Accessing Cabin

Christa asked how to get to cabin.  Bill put a link into the chat but Shawn mentioned that if you ever go to the pharmacy URL and then place "/cabin" ( Ex. pharmacy.hsc.wvu.edu/cabin ) that will redirect you to the link Bill shared.    


Pharmacy will be getting another recruitment person soon.