December 2023 Website Meeting


Updates from the web team

Post-holiday plans

Once the hectic holidays subside, the web team plans to look at making major updates to the Health and Public Health websites. Following that, the plan is to get some analytics-based updates to the Nursing website. We can then get some measurements to tell us if things are working the way we want them to. The overall goal of is this to streamline some of the key tasks that our website should be helping visitors to accomplish, like applying. Wendy noted that one particular change that has already been implemented site-wide is changing the call-to-action text on program pages from “Apply Now” to “How to apply” has already helped things in her eyes.

Curriculum updates

The process of setting up some curriculum-related sections on Hub have begun. Wendy seemed to have been caught off guard about this, but she has set up a separate page under the Nursing section of Hub with some information and has sent that along to Bill for reference.

Changing web team roles

At some point in the near future, the members of the web team will have slightly different and more specialized roles assigned to them. This will mean making some adaptations to how the monthly meetings are conducted, as the change in roles means that more of the web team will be involved in work associated with the Nursing website and therefore how each team member may want or need to contribute in any particular meeting. Jason will still be the main point of contact for questions or issues related to web projects. However, in the future, just asking a question on Slack will probably elicit responses from the appropriate person on the web team. The hope is that by this sort of realignment in the web team, we can make our school sites better and make meeting our goals (like recruitment) more within reach. The roles and responsibilities that will ultimately come as a result of this process will bleed into one another's.


With Commencement only a couple of weeks away, we wanted to touch base on updates for the Health website. Profiles on grads will be pulled into the Health Commencement website when ready. Wendy says she has six such profiles ready, with one being a stand-out student worth highlighting.

New magazine issue

Wendy informed the group that the school has published a new issue of their magazine. She has been having issues getting links to the PDF of that magazine to work. Jason will investigate these issues with Wendy.

Faculty updating statements

The school’s faculty committee are currently in the process of updating their mission and values statements and other guidelines. So far, the alumni feedback on this effort has been strong and positive.

January 2024 meeting date change

With the dates of our monthly meetings occurring on the first Tuesday of the month, Shawn has decided to push our January 2024 meeting date back a week instead of attempting to hold such a meeting on the first day back in the new year. So January’s meeting date will be on the 9th instead of the 2nd.