September 15, 2022 Meeting


Psychology Internship Training Program

The Psychology Internship Training Program is currently listed as the "Psychology Internship Fellowship" under the Department of Behavioral Medicine and Psychiatry on the Departments and Centers page. This is an internship not a fellowship.

After brainstorming a solution, the best solution we came up with so far is to create a new "degree level" in the Departments and Programs list named "Post Graduate Education" specifically for post graduate education besides residencies and fellowships.

UR design system updates and listing programs

Cassie let us know that University Relations previewed the new design patterns for listing programs and degrees in a school's website using the College of Applied Human Sciences programs as an example. The intention is to use the Contentful CMS to manage the information for departments and programs (potentially including profiles) in one place and then to use this information to list departments and programs in each school's website.