October 6, 2022 Meeting



Cassie is working on the content for the Speech, Language, and Hearing Clinic. This clinic, along with the PT/OT clinic will have multiple sections (Audiology and Speech-Language) with different audiences and services.

Each clinic will need the ability to list faculty/providers from Directory. Cassie made note to update these Directory profiles to reinforce clinical trials.

Cassie will provide the logos for each clinic and section.

Department of Cardiology

A new Department of Cardiology is being added. The fellowship information for the Section of Cardiology must remain under the Department of Medicine.

The interim chair is Dr. Baggubati.

Umbraco training

Cassie inquired about some editors receiving additional Umbraco training from CMS Desk. We suggested that while CMS Desk is an OK resource for initial training, they're not familiar enough with the nuances of editing the individual websites to provide more in-depth training. The Website Content Guide and the new Communication Guide are valuable resources.


Cassie reminded us that searching for internal news stories is still broken. This will be fixed in the upcoming Newsroom application and we will look into this issue in the current News application.

Communication Guide

Zane is continuing to work with Jess to figure out how to structure the information for the School of Medicine in the new Communication Guide.

Recipe Blog

Sam has finished adding all 150 recipes to the Culinary and Lifestyle Medicine Track Recipe Blog and that everyone is very happy with it.

  • Recipe blog