May 5, 2022 Meeting


Departments and Programs

We briefly reviewed the Departments and Programs page.

  • Cassie requested that the sub-items listed on each card are listed by program (degree), residency, and fellowship and then alphabetically within each.
  • Zane will provide the list of departments that are affiliated with programs and which programs are affiliated with each. Dan will add the capability to affiliate a program to a department.
  • Dr. Ferrari inquired about the ability to filter the items based on campus and we agreed that this is a feasible feature to add in the future.

Cassie is meeting with the Dean's Council next Thursday.

Rural Track Program

Zane requested that the "Highlights" area of the Rural Track Program page be "un-hidden" since Nikki added content to this area.

Strategic Compass

We briefly reviewed the mockup of the Strategic Compass template.

  • Cassie mentioned that the icons have not been officially approved so we should keep these "restorable".
  • Zane mentioned that the Values and Strategic Priorities pages will probably share a very similar, if not the same, template so we probably need to create only mockup for this.