March 17, 2022 Meeting


Departments and Programs

We reviewed the most recent version of the Departments and Programs template with the concept for choosing to search the name of and filter on Departments, Programs, Residencies, Fellowships, and Departments & Centers using a select dropdown. The labels for the degree levels and areas of interests filters are changed to questions and use checkboxes instead.

We agreed to add an "All" option to the type select dropdown.

Strategic Compass

Wendy Holdren is working on the "who we are" messaging for the School of Nursing and shares most of the same goals and messaging as Strategic Compass including a focus on diversity, inclusivity, etc.

The Strategic Compass content needs to be in a separate section of the website with the ability to share content to and from this section including profiles and news. Developing content for Strategic Compass is an opportunity to create new profiles, testimonials, and quotes as every project moving forward needs to align with the goals of Strategic Compass including collaborations and wellness. The accrediting body will be measured by how much they accomplish and providing results to update these pages.

The intention is to create this section in the School of Medicine website first to find a formula for creating this section in the other school websites and doing so will organically create the focused content for in the WVU Health website.

Progress about this section is shared at each Dean's Council meeting. We set a due date for this section to be completed by June 1st.

Match Day

The Match Day page from 2019 will be reused this year with only profiles and video and without the interactive map since the event will be in-person. Once Cassie and Zane have the matches to add to the map, we will move the map to a more permanent place within the MD Student Services section.


Cassie identified the priority for upcoming projects:

  1. Strategic Compass
  2. Updated MD Program pages
  3. Updated home page