July 21, 2022 Meeting


Strategic Compass

Upon review, leadership does not want to display the current information on each subpage under the Education priority page and they would prefer to display statistical figures instead. The issue with displaying statistical figures is confirming accuracy and legitimacy.

There are 42 ongoing projects that speak to these priorities that could be highlighted in each priority area, each with a short definition, the person in charge, and a contact to become involved. How many of these projects are active?

Rather than listing these projects, these projects could be used to generate stories told through a profile, news story, or video.

Note: There is an updated news submission form.


There is a need to post Graduate Education resources in the School of Medicine area of the Hub.


There is a need for school communicators to have a space in the upcoming Communication Guide for school-level marketing guidance information and materials.

This in includes the following:

  • How to effectively use video
  • Links to Smugmug galleries
  • Seasonal toolkits
    • Marketing ideas
    • HTML email
    • Photos
    • Videos

Most of what is already in the A to Z Communications Guide will fit into this.

Welcome Week

We will update the undergraduate Welcome Week page this week. Zane mentioned that we may add a video to this year's Welcome Week page.

Cassie mentioned that 56% of the incoming class this year is coming from out of state.