February 2, 2023 Meeting



Grace Sears has joined the team as an intern.


The Well-being section under the WVU Health website is a collection of wellness resources for faculty, staff, and students at Health Sciences and at the rest of the University.

The Paths to Well-being page is a filterable collection of wellness resources. As Bill and Jess add more items to this page, the ability to filter by audience will be added. Cassie mentioned that some individual programs and campuses have their own wellness resources as a first line of support. (The MD program has "Administrator on call".)

As the Well-being section is completed, a link to the Well-being page and links other wellness resources will be added to a common sub-footer at the bottom of each page in each school's website and prominently displayed in SOLE. The intention is for every website at WVU to present these resources.

Homepage updates

Cassie shared her ideas to update the content and layout of the homepage. We're working on an updated design to propose during the next communicator meeting in March.

Cassie is hoping to use the structure of the updated homepage as a starting point for the clinical department pages.

Eastern Campus

Dr. Richard Thomas is the new dean of the the Eastern Campus. Dr. Thomas is decisive and has decided that the Eastern Campus should have a single web presence with the Rural Family Medicine residency content under it. Shawn recommended that the content for the residency program be migrated in it's current state and the structure of campus page will be updated after the homepage is updated.


Any request to hide email addresses in Directory can be made by contacting Jimmy Morley.

CME Conference

Sam mentioned that using the events module for the Department of Ophthalmology and Visual Sciences CME conference last month worked out very well.

Match Day

The events module will potentially be used for promoting the White Coat Ceremony this year which will help gauge how to use this module for promoting Match Day next year.


Cassie will add the OT/PT clinic to the new clinics area of the WVU Health website.


Cassie has been mapping out an updated structure for the About section with several resources moving to under the School of Medicine section of Hub.

Shawn mentioned that we recently discussed diversity focused goals with Court Lanham and how these goals affect the information intended to be on About and Who We Are pages. Cassie's updates may align with our ambition of creating more engaging About pages that includes diversity focused and "who we are" information.

MD Program

Zane and Cassie are mapping out the first steps of updating the MD program section.