December 7, 2023 Meeting


Listing people

We reviewed the concepts for listing school leadership and for listing department leadership, faculty, and staff.

School leadership

School leadership is currently listed across several pages and with links to lists of people in other areas of the website and on other websites. We think that all of the leadership can be listed on a single page with more prominent and clear links to pages in other areas and on other websites. This includes campus deans, department chairs, program chairs, and other deans and vice deans. Cassie clarified that the list of department chairs and program chairs are incomplete.

Our vision is to create an alternative style of Directory listing that emphasizes each member of leadership by only displaying the relevant leadership position and omitting contact information. Cassie has hesitation about limiting the positions listed but we are going to try this out.

Department directories

Similar to listing leadership, our vision for listing everyone in a department on a single page is only display the relevant position(s) and to omit contact information to help condense the information on these pages, along with using a horizontal pattern instead of columns. Again, Cassie has hesitation about limiting the positions listed.

We discussed improving the default ordering of individuals and limiting sorting options. A part of improving ordering in Directory is for editors to properly use the system for adding positions for a person by individually positions for each department and ensuring that the leadership position is the primary position. Our current iterations of the HSC Directory macro does not show multiple positions for a department.

Cassie also inquired about listing people from a department's clinical partner on these pages. We will discuss options for this and make a proposal.


Shawn mentioned that we will be moving to a new CMS platform next year which will most likely be Umbraco Cloud. The WVU Health and School of Public Health websites will be the first to move to this new platform early next year.

Undergraduate and professional programs

Cassie let us know that a part of the undergraduate and professional programs will be renamed in 2024 per the board of governers and some renaming may be necessary throughout the website.