December 2, 2021 Meeting


Undergraduate, Professional, and Graduate Programs

Virtual tour buttons

We reviewed the placement of the virtual tour buttons under the What You'll Do section in a program template. Zane and Cassie suggested displaying these links higher on the page, either in the first overview area or in a colorful banner between the white overview and blue Who You Are areas.

Video clips

The video clips area has been added to each program page. Three default video clips are listed with the ability to replace each video clip.


Since the Department of Medicine doesn't currently have a communications person, we agreed to also add the new fellowship and fellowships listing pages under the Department of Pediatrics and the Department of Behavioral Medicine and Psychiatry.

Zane will provide the default video clips to display when a program doesn't have enough video clips to fill the video clips area of each fellowship page and he will provide updated messaging for the "About Morgantown" area.

We reviewed the mock up for listing fellowships by section under the Department of Medicine and agreed to move forward with this. Zane will enter a brief description to each fellowship page.


Departments have expressed the need to present the top faculty publications in their websites. Shawn suggested that these groups organize and update the publications for each faculty member in their Directory profiles, and then these publications can be pulled from each Directory profile to display in each website.

This is expected to be implemented mid-January 2022.

Listing graduate students with publications

On the Current Graduate Students page under the Department of Neuroscience website, the editor has done a good job with formatting publication and award information for each student using bullet points, and we will rename "Publication" to "Publications" and "Award" to "Awards".

Departments and Programs

We reviewed the proposal for listing residencies and fellowships with each department item rather than as separate item in an effort to both condense the page and to clarify the relationship between departments, residencies, and fellowships.

Cassie suggested formatting the programs and related majors the same way with each program item along with adding an item for each center and institute with the related departments listed with each.