8/6/2020 Meeting


Videos on Department Pages

With the ongoing requests from departments to display a YouTube video on their front page, many of which are clinical focused, we've agreed to put together a concept for displaying a video in the blue "affiliate" bar. WVU Medicine focused videos will display under the current WVU Medicine partner logo and button, and other types of videos will display with a brand message. This video will be added by request for each department in order to filter the types of videos displayed.

We will provide the concept for this early next week (8/10), for Cassie to present to department leadership by August, 17th.

Updated List of Residency Programs

As Cassie and Zane are working through adding the all of the residency programs to the list, they've identified that a few listed programs do not have information to link to. We've agreed to leave these items "unlinked" for the time being.

Biochemistry Labs

Per Zane, the Department of Biochemistry has requested that their labs have an additional ability to filter by topic. We agreed to work through implementing this ability once the group has provided the list of topics.

Virtual Tour

Dave Ryan is leading the project to have various areas of the Health Sciences building captured to be viewed via Google Maps Street View. A part of this project is for the School to use the street view to build a "virtual tour". The street view will need to be completed by September 1st in order to build the "virtual tour" by October 1st.

Department of Medicine

Haleigh will meet with the "Pulmonary Critical Care and Sleep Medicine" and "Gastroenterology & Hepatology" groups on August 7th to talk about their pages. In addition to changes to listing faculty and staff, these groups also want to discuss ideas that they have based on examples of pages from other websites.