6/4/2020 Meeting


MD Student Organizations

Zane will send out a questionnaire to the various MD student organizations to acquire the content to then fill out each new student organization page. There is no rush on this.

Departments and Programs

Cassie reviewed the new Departments and Programs page with Evie and Dr. Ferrari, and both are happy with the new page. Dr. Ferrari suggested renaming the "Degree Level" filter and he recommends listing the residents and fellowships as separate items in the list because users aren't familiar with which departments these items fall under.

Residents Pages

Most of the residency pages and sections in each department section are lacking information about residencies overall, Health Sciences, the University, and Morgantown. We will work with Zane and Cassie to build out the Residents page at the school level to broadly include more of this information and to create a consistent Residents page and template for each department to use that consistently and dynamically displays this information from the Residents page at the school level along with custom content pertaining to the residency.

Listing Alumni

Dan will add a checkbox for "Group by Decade" to optionally chunk years into decades in an effort to lessen the items in theĀ On This Page area at the top. See the Featured Alumni page under the Department of Otolaryngology, Head and Neck Surgery.