8/22/19 Meeting


What We Discussed

  • WVU Dental
    • Launch Date - Sunshine wanted to know if we could launch by September 2nd- as in, is that a reasonable request of us? We told her that we would need to check with Shawn and wouldn't be able to make a promise, but based on the scope of the work we have left to do on our part, Dan and I agreed we thought it was possible. If she wanted it launched September 2nd, she would need to have all of her content ready and done by like, next Wednesday the 28th though. She was moreso looking to have her stuff done at that deadline. We told her this was all good and she could shoot to have her stuff done for then, then we'd evaluate and figure out an actual launch date.
    • SSL / URL stuff - We were all unsure if there was anything more that needed to be done on anyone's end about the SSL cert and URL she purchased. She said she worked with Kent initially about this. We told her we would check with Shawn about this.
    • Services Procedures - we said we would reduce the number displayed on the Services page from 5 to 3.
  • Analytics
    • Sunshine wasn't sure if she had access to analytics. We checked and she is not in there. We let her know that If she wants, she can use a g-mail e-mail to gain access. We let her know that if she does, she'll have to let us know and then we'll give her permissions. We also saw that Dave has analytics permissions, so she should be able to discuss questions or general analytics conversation with him as well.
    • Welcome Week, based off the information Sunshine gave us today (incoming undergraduate class of ~22), we think that it did fine with engagement. The analytics are comparable to all the other schools. We will shoot to promote and have a more comprehensive version of the page next year.
    • Apply Now vs. Learn More - Sunshine mentioned it has been brought to her attention that students seem to be confused when they land on the Students page and see each degree. Basically, what's the difference between the "Apply Now" button vs. the "Learn More" button. She said Tara mentioned checking with us about analytics to see if we could figure anything out about it. We told her that we could look into the analytics, and adjust design as necessary. We all agreed the WVU Dental is the priority right now, but once it's launched, we can circle back to this.