8/11/22 Meeting


What We Discussed

  • Hub/Intranet - People initially ignored/had nothing to say about Hub. Now there are a few people who are actually migrating their own content over to the new place. She has been briefly checking over what they are doing, and they have seemingly been doing everything right. One of the people is involved with all the students coming back, so things have been a little crazy. She wants to sit down a small group of people and talk about categorizing things in SOLE, and from there they will teach Dr. Bagby. She has a meeting tomorrow and is going to show them all three websites. She assumes they'll ask about Hub, and plans on giving them a summary. She would like for everyone to reach out to her by the end of the Semester to get people taught about SOLE, so they have time to learn it and it won't be crunch time towards the first of the next semester. Shawn reminded Sunshine that we have the Support team for those people who need more help.
  • On-boarding - There is no on-boarding process. Sunshine wants to make a manual of sorts with things they need to do, such as get put into directory, get training, etc. and push them to ask other people that can answer their questions versus them all just coming to her.
  • Clarity Analytics - In websites we've already put this into, we're finding patterns. Profiles are good stuff and are highly interacted with, even at the bottom end of the page (which isn't as common). Shawn believes that profiles are the thing students are looking for. He also feels the use of Clarity will make it a lot easier for Sunshine to go into a meeting with people and show them Analytics that aren't just a jumble of big numbers and confusing terms. In the Fall, Shawn is hoping to revisit profiles a little bit and push them further up. He and Dan have been thinking about a concept of the Students page not having a feature area, but more of a student experience/quote, similar to the Who We Are. This will lead to an eventual site refresh, and with the new analytics we're hoping we can get the website to a better place.
  • Profiles - Sunshine got some new photos of the DDS incoming class, as well as the fourth year students on their last day of classes. She's thinking she will give the incoming class a prompt about their expectations coming in, as well as giving the perspective of students graduating. Shawn mentioned the addition of pronouns was suggested, and it would allow us to more organically bring inclusivity. Luckily, Sunshine is a bit ahead of the game with her profiles so that will make all of our lives easier if we move towards these concepts. Sunshine mentioned that she would like to add more Faculty profiles as they're more scarce. She also feels that would be beneficial in that they are struggling right now with hiring them. Shaw suggested profiles would also provide a good opportunity to work with other people (like Tyler) on creating additional content and media.
  • Events - Shawn thinks areas we could use with events would be Continuing Education and Outreach, possibly for some other Alumni things as well. Sunshine is going to check in with Karen (Alumni) about these things. We're thinking late September/Early October it should be ready for initial exposure. Next time we meet, we should be pretty close. This will hopefully be helpful for Sunshine in terms of marketing. Sunshine suggested maybe having lots of existing events to reference would be helpful. We're going to be limiting editors in the Events section to avoid a ton of unnecessary events and chaos. We're trying to keep it to a small pool of marketing/comms and Tara's team. Sunshine wishes she could incorporate Students into the new Events area/process, but thinks most events probably wouldn't be the right caliber.