5/6/21 Meeting


What We Discussed

  • Diversity/DEI/Profiles - Sunshine shared that recently a set of videos was released/announced which showcased students and staff giving their experiences here at the University, as well as dispelling myths about wherever they originate from. She was looking for a way that they could be more prominently showcased, as well as wondering how she could disperse it through the rest of the website. Dan explained that once we are able to, we'll be scattering more profiles throughout the websites which should help. She would also like to work on getting some more profiles.
  • Social Media - Sunshine mentioned that she wants to make an effort to take a random page from the website and share it on social media once a week. She feels their content is pretty up-to-date and wants to showcase it more frequently. This seems like a good, low-effort way to do that and we agreed it was a good idea. It's difficult to assess what sticks in terms of social media, so there's really no reason to not try new things.
  • General Content
    • Content Audit - Sunshine wants to go through the website and delete some pages. She wanted to check if that was okay. We told her she is totally fine to do so at her own discretion. She feels that she's had time to assess what pages she is able to keep up with and which pages matter now that she's been here for a bit. No reason to keep content around if she thinks it is unnecessary or is going to get neglected, so I agree that this is the right course of action. I also mentioned that she could always unpublished pages she's uncertain about, but has full freedom to delete whatever she wants.
      • News - Sunshine mentioned that news has become a bigger thing as she's been here and feels it could be showcased in a few places more specifically. Dental Hygiene and Alumni would benefit from having their own feeds (they already have secondary categories in news) as she feels they have news often enough. She also feels it could also alleviate pressure to make pages for each special thing groups want to talk about (looking at you, Alumni Affairs). By having their news on their page, she won't need to do anything additional and the groups will be satiated.
  • Virtual Tour - Rachel informed Sunshine that the virtual tour is up and working on the website. She asked if Sunshine would go through it briefly and see if it all looks good or if anything is missing. Dan did note that some of the requested stops were not taken by Dave, some with and some without reason. So if Sunshine has any concerns/needs in regards of missing stops, she should chat with Wendy Holdren to figure out the next step.