1/9/20 Meeting


What We Discussed

  • Give Kids a Smile (WVU Dental - Pediatrics) - Sunshine said this event is coming up, and she'd like to highlight it in some way as they actually have registration and information a month ahead of time. We talked about different promotion options. On the homepage, Shawn suggested we move Pediatrics to the top of the services list, and add something to denote the event. We also suggested adding a box to the right-hand side of the Pediatrics service page, and perhaps the location page where this event is happening. This box would sort of like a little advertisement for the event to point people to where they need to go. Sunshine agreed this sounded like a good approach.
  • Feature Image Check - Sunshine mentioned that she has added photography all through the site but isn't 100% sure it works. She wanted to know if we could do a quick sweep and let her know if anything is bad or needs changed. We agreed to do so.
  • Orthodontics Requirements - Sunshine brought up some concerns about the Residency Requirements and where they live on the website. Right now, this information lives on the "Apply Now" page for this program. When we worked on strategy before the new website launched, our thought was that everything related to applying should be in the "Apply Now" section. Anything else should be informational and live under the "Students" section. There seems to be some confusion about the requirements not being in the Students section. We discussed reconfiguring this to see if it made more sense on it's respective program page. Sunshine thought that it may just be because of how their content is written, and with some adjustment things could stay the way they are.
  • Cabin Cleanup / New Year Priorities - We think it's a good time for Sunshine to look through Cabin in detail and see if there are any tasks that are no longer needed, or are finished but not marked as so, etc. We will do so on our end as well. Once that's done, we suggested she sit down and think about what her priorities are for the coming year. When we meet in February we will discuss and possibly make a potential timeline so we all know where our focuses should be (obviously subject to change when necessary, etc.).
  • COHRA - Sunshine would like to circle back to this. We discussed it last year, and seemed to all be in agreeance that COHRA should be moved under the "Research" section of the site, instead of being a stand alone sub-site.  
  • Apply Now Question - This was briefly discussed last year, but there's concern over verbiage for the "Learn Now" vs. "Apply More" buttons. Sunshine was wondering if we could find anything analytical that would help us see if there are any patterns or issues. She also wanted to look at it herself and think about it more to see if she could come up with a solution. We were open to discussing it further.
  • Alumni Spotlight - Sunshine recently made an Alumni Spotlight page and wanted to know if it was okay/what our thoughts were. We think that as we begin rolling out the new "Who We Are" section, this is something that would likely live there, and be linked to under the "Alumni" section. We told her we would give this page a look and think about how we would handle this, but for the time being what she has is fine.
  • Tuition - We are hopeful that this will be launched this month. When we have the final okay on our end, we'll get the plan moving (while keeping Sunshine in the loop).
  • Meeting Frequency - We've agreed to start meeting monthly, rather than bi-weekly, as all of the big projects are up and running now.