12/19/18 Meeting


What We Discussed

  • Content Guide Cheat Sheet – (Attached as a PDF) Since launching, I took the time to study your site, along with our other schools, and put something together that could be a sort of cheat sheet for your website. The idea being a piece of paper you can keep at your desk which briefly breaks down some common mistakes or things editors (and us too!) may miss while editing. I tried to tailor it to include some things your site currently struggles from. Sunshine seemed pretty pleased and thankfully did not feel I was saying she was dumb or something! This is the first time we’ve put together something in this form, so please let me know as you look through it what you feel is and is not useful so we can continue to improve it!
  • Scary Alumni Association Website??? -Sunshine made us aware of a website made by the Alumni that is taking donations through PayPal, among other egregious violations of the University. We will let the appropriate people on our side of the fence know about this, and forward you any related information you could share with them about why they cannot do it the way they are (if the meeting doesn’t get cancelled before that because the website is discovered).
  • Student Resources – There is currently no way to access this without the URL (oops! That’s my bad…). We will put something together on the Students Page to point people here so they can actually…oh, I don’t know, use the resources?
  • Job Board – We agreed that this could be better broken down by splitting into two pages (DDS and Dental Hygiene), as well as grouping jobs by the title being hired.
  • New Website Status
    • Accessibility – You’re currently at a 85.5%/100% in the service we (as WVU) use to check this, which is a pretty good score. I have a few other changes we will all be making to our school sites in the future, so the score will only continue to go up. This is very good! This also checks the content, and I don’t know that I found any content accessibility issues either (tables, images with no alts, etc.).
    • Cross-Browser Compatibility – On immediate launch, there were definitely some issues in this regard. These have since been fixed and the website should be working in the latest version of all browsers (Edge, IE, Chrome, Firefox). If you come across anything and clearing your cache does not fix it, please let me know!
    • Content – As discussed, the content is sufficient and serves the purpose we need for the time being, but Dave and Sunshine are going to get together to work on developing better content to not only serve the user, but hopefully attract more recruits. We also walked through some live-site cases of issues from the Cheat Sheet. We recognize that the content written does not emit the tone we would like and does not quite match up with the other schools for that reason. Dave and Sunshine are going to work on that, and should the design need to change in the future to accommodate, we will discuss it further.
    • Overall Wants and Needs – We tried to take some time and discuss what issues you may be having or needs you feel are not fulfilled by the new design. Overall, Sunshine was very happy with where the design is and is aware once we work on the content the other site needs will be more apparent.