11/3/22 Meeting


Strategic Compass

The school is very interested in getting their own Strategic Compass page. Sunshine wasn't sure what the overhead on that would be, but feels like it's a lot of multimedia content to produce (which isn't free, and requires people and time). She concerned about this and can't do it herself because she's swamped. Luckily, content wise, she would only need to come up with a little bit. Otherwise, this is going to be pretty standard across all the schools, so there shouldn't be any crazy changes. The work on our end is definitely manageable and not an issue either, so she doesn't need to worry about us. She has three+ major projects she is currently working on. Shawn reassured Sunshine that (at least on OUR marketing team's side) video is not required for these pages. We can start with a photo and get to a video later. Shawn can relate that we're all sort of in this new place where everyone has a bit too much to do because demand has changed. He also suggested maybe videos could be done by Tyler every two months, filling out those sections progressively. Bill also chimed in with his support, that he'd be willing to help her if he can and is available to do so if there's anything he can do.

  • What To Expect From Us - We will immediately begin building this within the Dentistry website. The work on our end is not particularly difficult, it will just take some time to put together. 


Sunshine is having issues knowing if things are getting posted or not. She isn't able to see some pretty crucial information and doesn't understand the approval process at this point. A story was rejected because it didn't have a picture. Shawn recommends reaching out to Jay and talking with him about all of this, hoping he could offer some insight. Sunshine's having to go through Cathy for everything. Cathy is suggesting she needs a picture for every news story. However, Sunshine can't access the things she needs to help make changes. Shawn explained the calendar stuff has been a total mess. Photos shouldn't be a stipulation for a new story, and if you tell people they're required, you're going to end up with a ton of bad pictures. Can she approve stories? Other people aren't approving them? The expectations are not clear at all. Dan suggested a placeholder image on her computer so she can quickly fill in the picture when needed.

Bridgeport News

A story was recently done by Bridgeport News that Sunshine is hoping to utilize content from. The students have great quotes, which she's hoping to utilize for updating some of the websites pages.es). Additionally, she spoke to some other students and took pictures frames for a feature area (wooo!). She's going to work with Aira for social stuff too.


Bill shared the google analytics for this month in Cabin. We also mentioned perhaps analytics could be useful for the Strategic Compass content situation - showing heat maps of people potentially interacting or not interacting with an excessive number of videos would be good to prove they're not necessary or particularly helpful in large quantities.