10/7/2021 Meeting


Originally scheduled for 9/9, but was rescheduled to this date.

What We Talked About

  • News and Events - We are currently working on big updates to the news system, as well as an Events system to use alongside WVU Calendar. Shawn said that we will likely start using Events first with Sunshine and Cassie as they both have more of a need compared to some of the other schools. We will keep everyone updated on that process as things move along.
  • Diagnostic Sciences - Sunshine said that the interim head of this department made a logo for them and is attempting to use it, even though it breaks our branding guidelines. She told him he could not and he attempted to circumvent her. The interim head also wants the WVU Dental Care URL to be different (wants WVUDental, not WVUDentalCare, and claims to already own it???), want his own personal e-mail with the sites domain (eg, person@wvudentalcare.org) even though no one else has one like it, and is causing some frustration. They then went and presented these ideas to the Dental Corps. Sunshine is trying to go about this the best way possible. She is going to talk to Tara further about the issue and consider seeing if legal can inquire further about the URL ownership the interim chair is claiming to have. Bill is going to look through our analytics and see if he can find any data that can help the situation. He told Sunshine he should have it in the next week.