September 27, 2022 Meeting


Student Health

In order to keep the main navigation in the Student Health website clear and concise, we agreed that 1-2 highlighted health topics can be listed in the top navigation (currently COVID-19 Information and Monkeypox) and any other health topics not currently highlighted can be displayed in a card format under the cover portion of the homepage.

With mask wearing protocols lessening in clinical environments, the amount of COVID-19 information on the Student Health website is enough.


Tyler provided the photos of the Museum of the Health Sciences that Davidson Chan captured to potentially add to the Museum of the Health Sciences page.

Bill has been in touch with staff at the WVU Libraries regarding the museum's web presence and he will ensure that the general information on the Museum of the Health Sciences page is correct.

Virtual Tour

The Health Sciences virtual tour video has been placed on the Morgantown Campus page. It's not possible to display links to the chapters in the video right but we are planning to evolve our embedded video component to potentially display clickable thumbnails for each chapter.

Communication Guide

We reviewed the concept for listing the "How Do I...?" items along side a few highlighted items on the homepage. The overall reception of this was good.

We need to figure out how school specific information will be organized and displayed. Our initial thought is that each school page will be added directly under the website in Umbraco and will display in a list on the homepage rather than in the top navigation.

Jess has been working with Zane to figure out how to structure this information for the School of Medicine including their A-Z guide information.

Tara inquired about adding a "branding" page to list resources for Health Sciences, WVU Medicine, and WVU branding that leads off with Health Sciences specific information followed by the top paragraph from the "How Do I...?" page and links to University and WVU Medicine branding information.

Shawn suggested including links to University level communication information, including University Relations, in the grey bar at the bottom.

Diversity Week

A list of the Diversity Week events will be pulled into the Diversity Week page.


We confirmed that the Well-being page will share the same engaging aesthetics and photos as the other landing pages under the WVU Heath website.