September 20, 2022 Meeting



As Bill and Jess are continuing to add Health Sciences events, we are gathering valuable insight about the types of events that are being added and where to make refinements.

We're currently working on setting up the API to pull event information into other websites. Shawn will follow up with Nikky late next week to get Nikky and Kayla access to begin adding events ahead of the School of Public Health 10th anniversary event. Shawn requested that Bill and Jess join the meeting to provide support.

We briefly discussed how to determine which events should be added to the WVU Calendar or the events module. Shawn summed up that the events module should be used to elevate Health Sciences events and that this is contextual. Tara shared the Purpose Center website.

Jess is beginning to receive diversity related event information. We will set up an events section for Diversity events.

Museum of the Health Sciences

Bill has started adding information to the Museum of the Health Sciences page.

Once the photos are provided, we will determine how to improve the structure and design of the page. Bill will also obtain a portrait photo of Dr. Neal.

Tara requested that the page be live by the first week of October to coincide with the ribbon cutting ceremony.

Virtual Tour

Dan will review the placement of the Health Sciences virtual tour video on the Morgantown Campus page with Shawn before making this update to the live page.

Student Health

Bill has started adding information and subpages to the placeholder Student Health page.

Our intention is to improve the design and structure of this page/section by repurposing the COVID-19 template(s) and including engaging photos (a Mountaineer getting the flu vaccine), designing a Twitter button, adding a Google Map embed, and adding videos. Tyler shared the "When Should I Get My COVID-19 Booster?" video which features Carmen and is more COVID-19-forward but does talk about flu shots.

Tara requested that the page be live by the first week of October as the University will begin raising awareness about getting the flu vaccine.


We briefly mentioned to Bill that we will be improving meetings in Cabin by including a way to highlight the outcomes of a meeting and that we're working on a concept for him to add Google Analytics information in Cabin rather than creating PDF files.

Communication Guide

Per Jess's request to restructure the top of the Communication Guide home page, we will be reviewing the mockup of this this afternoon.


Tyler shared the following videos of interviews with Clay to include in the Addiction website.