October 5, 2022 Meeting



We will create a section under the WVU Health website to present clinic information including location, directions, hours, and services. Tropical Medicine will be included as a clinic.

The layout of the clinic template will be similar to the Student Health Find Us page.

Student Health

We previewed the updated Find Us layout with the hours, location, and phone number listed and an embedded Google Map along side a photo of the building.

We agreed that the "WVU" should be removed from "WVU Student Health" under the wordmark at the top of the page.


WVU Libraries will be creating a web presence for the Museum of the Health Sciences and the museum page under the WVU Health website will only present an overview of the museum with general information about visiting with a link to the section on the WVU Libraries website.


Tara inquired about the ability to display events in a Mailchimp email. We will look into this.

Communication Guide

The Health Sciences Communication Guide is ready to be shared with communicators and other staff. The current Communication page under the WVU Health website will be replaced with a link to the new communication guide.

As we continue to figure out how each school's communication information will be organized and presented in the communication guide, Tara suggested listing the links to these 5 school sections on the homepage.

Jess is continuing to work with Zane to figure out how to structure this information for the School of Medicine.

Media Resources

The Media Resources concept that Bill proposed will still be built and exist under the Resources page in the WVU Health website.

This page will include the following:


Tara and Jess have begun adding content under the placeholder Well-being page in Umbraco.

This page will have a "well WVU" focus for a student and freshman audience and will align with the Purpose Center's Health and Wellness Work Group which Clay is the chair of and Tara and Jess are co-chairs.

This page will include the well-being wheel and will be resource focused with several subpages.

Other Health Sciences websites

Bill shared the spreadsheet that he is using to keep track of the other various websites under the Health Sciences umbrella. He is reviewing each website and deciding whether the website should be migrated to an HSC Themes V2 website, be placed under Hub, or be removed completely.

WVU Health website updates

With the updated content for the 5 existing landing pages under the WVU Health website and the addition of the Well-being page, these pages will become more editable so that Tara, Jess, and Bill can make edits.


Several of the departments under the School of Medicine have expressed a need to present diversity focused messaging and to list the members of their subcommittee. Jess inquired about using the existing committees area under the WVU Health Diversity website to add this information and pull this information into each department's website.

Shawn and Dan will discuss this.

Clay's Blog

The "Meet Clay" link on each of Clay's blog posts is a dead link and will be updated to point to the "Meet Clay" heading on the new front page of the Chancellor website.