October 18, 2022 Meeting



Tara confirmed that the content on the Well-being placeholder page in Umbraco is what is intended to be on the landing page. She also shared Ohio State's Health and Wellness website that Clay references.

Jess shared the spreadsheet that she and Sophia are working in to gather and organize resources. 

Shawn suggested listing the resources in a filterable list, similar to the School of Medicine Departments and Programs listing with the ability to filter by 5-6 priorities/categories and other tags. We will set up this structure in Umbraco for Jess and Sophia to being adding resources.

The "well-being wheel" graphic is a must-have element on this page and we're hoping to make this an interactive piece, potentially similar to the profiles cover variation.

Tara and Jess will provide photo suggestions for this landing page.

Communication Guide

While the links to each school's Smugmug are listed on photography page, Tara suggested also adding these links on each school's area of the Communication Guide.

Shawn suggested adding a step by step guide for planning events at Health Sciences that lists the criteria needed for creating a page for the event in the website.

Media Resources

We reviewed the work-in-progress Media Resources page and the mockup of the placement of the social links for WVU Health and each of the schools along with the link to Clay's Twitter. We will move forward with these updates.

Tara requested that link to Clay's blog be added in his callout area. Shawn suggested adding more vertical spacing between each list of communicators.

We will add Sophia to the WVU Health communications staff add Nikki to the list of School of Medicine communications staff.

Student Health

We reviewed the mockup of the placement of the social media links on the Student Health homepage. We will move forward with adding these.


We reviewed the work-in-progress mockup of the Clinic and Clinic Subpage templates. Tara pointed out that the Travel Medicine Clinic information will fit this template very well.

We will asks Cassie whether each section under Clinic will have different hours and appointment information.

Building Pattern

We agreed that the building pattern that Tyler and Aira designed can be used on landing pages and for "Who We Are" content.