October 11, 2022 Meeting


Media Resources

We previewed the upcoming Media Resources page.


We agreed that this page can be ready for review by Tuesday, November 1, 2022.

As previously discussed, the well-being wheel graphic will be a prominent piece and each category of the wheel will have a separate subpage/section with listed resources. Jess is using a spreadsheet to keep an inventory of everything well-being related and Sophia will work on separating the items in this spreadsheet into each category.

We agreed that Jess and Sophia can add the content directly into subpages under the Well-being placeholder page in Umbraco.

Other Health Sciences websites

As Bill is working through the spreadsheet of the other various websites under the Health Sciences umbrella, he will keep track of which websites are currently under the "Sites" Umbraco that may be moved to under the Health Sciences Umbraco.

Bill is currently working on migrating the WVU Institute for Community and Rural Health (ICRH) content into an HSC Themed V2 template and we confirmed that the existing "ICRH-Dev" website in Umbraco is where the content should be migrated to.


Bill will share the notes from his recent meeting with the STEPS group for us to refresh the STEPS website early next year.

Virtual Tour

The virtual tour video will be announced in tomorrow's Health Sciences Weekly email.


Davidson captured more photos of the Museum of the Health Sciences and Tyler is working on a video about it. Photos and the video can be added to the museum page under the WVU Health website.

Bill will incorporate the WVU Libraries RSVP information on the museum page.

Student Health

Tara inquired about viewing the Google Analytics for the Student Health website.