November 9, 2021 Meeting


School of Nursing

Wendi MacKay's last day is November 19th and the Health Sciences communications group will address website updates in the interim.


The web group is close to the next stage in developing the Newsroom application in which the programming group will become involved.

We briefly discussed the potential for profiles to be added via Newsroom in the future as profiles are often written as news stories.

Addiction website

Bill shared the addiction content and included very helpful notes about goals and tone. Shawn, Dan, Bill, and Matt will meet tomorrow from 10-11 a.m. to review the working mock-ups. These mock-ups will tentatively be ready to show during next week's meeting.

Google Analytics

Bill will be completing the Data Studio Google Analytics dashboards for each school in the next few days to then show to each school's communicator. Bill mentioned that he has enrolled in the Google Data Studio training program.


The updated HCOP website is ready to launch when the domain name issues are resolved. Shawn mentioned that the systems group will make a note regarding the ownership and renewal of the HCOP domain.


Wendy inquired about listing events related to Diversity that have been added to the updated Events section.


We agreed to add a new action for gender inequality, initially focused on women, to the "Our Actions" section of the diversity website.

Groups in each school need to be made aware of the diversity resources available to link to at the Health Sciences level and at the University level, and of the process of working with the appropriate diversity committee to assist with addressing concerns with diversity and copy writing related to diversity.

Next week's meeting

We will reschedule next week's weekly check-in meeting to Wednesday, November 17th. Tara requested a timeline for active projects including the updated events section, Newsroom, and the addiction website.