November 29, 2022 Meeting



We reviewed the Well-being page progress.


  • Rather than listing the other landing pages in the masthead navigation, we will list links to other prominent health related WVU websites including the Carruth Center, WellWVU, etc. Tara and Jess will provide all of the items.
  • The full-width photo area for promoting WellWVU will be turned into a carousel that showcases other prominent health related WVU groups. Tara and Jess will provide the items and summaries for these.
  • Extend the bottom of the well-being wheel to add a space to summarize and link to the Paths to Well-being page filtered by the emotional priority.

More filters can be added for the items on the Paths to Well-being page including for audience (students, faculty, etc.).


Shawn mentioned that he is advocating for decisions about content on the websites to be more calculated to create less and higher quality content.