May 30, 2023 Meeting


Operation Blue Sky

Everyone is happy with the Operation Blue Sky website and this project is considered to be checked off.


We agree that 80% of the information on the STEPS website is internal information and should be placed in a hub-type structure. This includes patient recruitment information and scheduling.

We agree that the marketing piece of the website should probably be no more than 5 pages. Shawn questions whether profiles and other outdated information is relevant.

We discussed whether the current website can be updated to accommodate their needs and concerns rather than building a new website. Shawn suggested placing both “tour” videos on the virtual tour page.

Farm to You

The Farm to You group has a deadline of June 7th for the website to be live and Matt is working through the feedback and requests from this group.


Each school has a need to provide additional information with tuition figures. We've already talked to Jason about creating a template in the School of Medicine website to present additional information with tuition figures in each program.