March 22, 2022 Meeting


Chancellor website URL

Shawn will work with the ITS systems group and reach out to Jay Allen to make the subdomain. Jay can reach out to Tara with any discrepancies.

Virtual tour

Tyler is revisiting creating a virtual tour. He shared a link to a working video concept via YouTube.

Addiction website

Shawn let Jess and Bill know that adding statistics and other content is a bit different and that they can reach out to the web group for support.

Bill is working with Brian Persinger to capture photography for the upcoming addiction website.


Bill is working through migrating other Health-level internal websites from HSC Themes into Hub.

Jane Lightfoot reached out to the communications group about updating the Finance and Business website. This is a great opportunity to completely move this information into Hub.

Strategic Compass

Discussing strategic compass more with Cassie, Zane, and Bill provided more clarity about the overall intention of presenting this information. Shawn noted that while each school will have a strategic compass area, the content generated through this initiative should be repurposed appropriately throughout each website and that this is a great opportunity to drive content and tell better stories.

Tara agreed that beyond the mission, vision, and goals set by each committee, news and profiles should be appropriately associated with strategic compass and this association should be as automated as possible. Bill and Zane will keep in mind how content can be reused as they're writing it.

At the Health Sciences level, strategic compass is less "big picture" and more "purpose driven". The Health website as a whole should convey the strategic compass initiative using the five established areas.

Tara mentioned that the committee will meet soon about strategic compass at this level, and that this will be similar to the strategic compass information at the school level and will involve WVU Medicine.

Team Dynamix

Last Thursday, Jay Allen reached out to all ITS staff asking website contributors to check and update any remaining links to the old TeamDynamix system. This has been addressed.

WVU Calendar

Tara inquired about training the school communicators to use WVU Calendar.

Shawn mentioned that a part of this training should be when and how to use the upcoming events module, and potentially presenting this module to everyone in this meeting next week.

The events module will not replace WVU Calendar and will be used to promote events.

We've already discussed this format with Cassie for Match Day specifically and she agreed that Match Day information, including the interactive map of matches, should be moved into the MD Student Services area of the School of Medicine website and that an event should be created for it to promote it.

Tyler pointed out that the information from the interactive map of matches can be used to create and highlight figures on the MD program's front page.

Research projects and grants

We reviewed the working template for presenting information about research grants in the Health website.

Everyone agreed with continuing in this direction and that news and press can point to this type of page for promoting notable grants. Bill will reach out to Nicole Beason about whether there is an amount threshold that makes a grant notable and for feedback about this overall.

The photo overlay at the top will be replaced with various pattern options instead.