June 7, 2022 Meeting



We reviewed the Our Approach page and discussed the following items:

  • Should the Our Approach page be renamed to Education?
  • How can the copy outside of the Education at WVU and Statewide Education headings be organized under one of these headings either on this page or on the appropriate subpage?
  • The more simplified and condensed structure of this page may create room for highlighting profiles, especially minorities affected by addiction (diversity), and for highlighting experts.

Research Grants

We reviewed the research grants section and discussed the following items:

  • Bill will reach out to Nicole Beason about whether there is a common term for highlighting schools and groups involved.
  • PhD candidates are involved in several grants and these people do not have profiles in Directory. We will add a second option under Faculty Involved for adding a non-Directory person with their name, role, and degree. We will consult Tara about whether these PhD candidates or any faculty involved need to have ways of contact displayed.
  • With the list of grants growing, we may add a search field soon.

Communication Guide

The marketing group is now able to restructure and add any helpful marketing content to the new communication guide.


Tyler talked to Layne Hitchcock from BeWell and this group is interested in updating the BeWell website. They are happy with the home page and the BeWell blog and they want to make updates to their in-between pages (content pages).

Shawn mentioned that it might be best to consider bringing the BeWell website into the WVU Health family of websites and this website would inherit the WVU Health structure and templates.

Jess will inquire about this during her meeting with them on June 30th. Jess mentioned that it might be worth finding a way to pair BeWell with student health information.