July 18, 2022 Meeting


Interprofessional Education

The Interprofessional Education group has inquired about highlighting and listing staff members with bios. Shawn mentioned that the listing people in all of our website continues to be an issue, especially with the volume of people listed and duplicating information.

Jessica suggested highlighting a few facilitators at a time by writing a quality profile of each person. We agreed that a quality profile is a storytelling opportunity rather than a regurgitated Q&A. Shawn suggested highlighting one per month and Tara suggested referring to this as a "spotlight".


Jason is working on "phase 2" tuition updates, including displaying program specific information with tuition information in a school website and adding the disclaimer about estimated costs that Jay Allen recently shared.


Tara let us know that HSC marketing will not be able to take over paying for the paid plan for Slack and that she will add everyone in our group to the UR-Health Sciences Slack workspace.