August 23, 2022 Meeting


Health Sciences Museum

Per Tara's request, we will put a hold on creating a page for the Health Sciences Museum for the time being. WVU Libraries is hiring a curator for the museum and the curator may want the museum to have a larger presence on the WVU Libraries website.

There will still eventually be a page under the WVU Health website for the museum, including a video with Clay. Bill has been working on the content for a museum page.

Student Health

Bill and Jess are gathering and writing the content for this. Bill will follow up with Carmen and Niki.


Shawn will talk to Jason and Dan about tuition tomorrow.

The structure of this centralized tuition will be based off of the structure of the current tuition sections and we will actually be omitting more information than we will be adding. It will take about a month to build the structure and to pull the information into each school website.


The events module is ready for Jess and Bill to being adding events.

Virtual Tour

Tyler is currently uploading a draft of the Health Sciences virtual tour video to share.

Communication Guide

While Jess and Bill continue to refine the information in the upcoming Health Sciences Communication Guide website, we discussed a few items to improve the overall structure of the website:

  • To decrease the number of items in the top navigation, it is suggested that the top-level pages in the website be organized into larger "buckets" of information.
  • With this change, the cards at on the home page will no longer automatically populate the way they are now. We will change the way that these cards are populated by manually selecting the pages to highlight rather than this automatically populating.
  • The Quick Links page can probably be removed and these linked items can be linked to from more appropriate areas of this website.
  • We will eventually create subsets within this website for school-level communications information.

West Virginia Association of Pathologists

An editor reached out to Shawn about making edits to the West Virginia Association of Pathologists website. Shawn suggested migrating this website to the WVU Health Umbraco and into an HSC Themed V2 website.

Since this website needs updated very minimally, Shawn, Tara, and Bill agree that Bill can take over editing this website rather than continually training an editor.

School of Public Health 10 year anniversary

Nikky has already gathered and written quality content for the School of Public Health 10 year anniversary page(s) including quotes from Dean Coben. Shawn suggested to Nikky to approach Dean Coben about recording him saying these quotes to then use on the website.