August 16, 2022 Meeting


Welcome Week

Jess inquired about listing links to each of the school's Welcome Week pages under the main navigation on the WVU Health Welcome Week cover. Dan will add this today.


Shawn met with Dixie Paletta yesterday to discuss the questions we have about listing tuition.

The tuition for the Occupation Therapy program tuition may have conflicting figures. Tara suggested reaching out to Becky Stauffer to obtain the most up-to-date figures.

Along with the rest of the group in the meeting, Shawn and Tara agree that we should point out to the University-level admissions information for scholarship information to ensure that this information is consistent. Pages and PDFs with scholarship information should be removed from the websites, and the communicators need to remind recruiters to reference scholarship information at the University-level. Tara asked Jess and Bill to find and write consistent messaging for linking to scholarship information.

The group also confirmed to Shawn that the cost of tuition is the same at every campus. Shawn proposed adding an amended note about potential additional costs for other campuses where it is relevant.

Tara agreed that there should be a space to add an optional note to any tuition page.


The events module is ready for Jess and Bill to being adding events after this meeting today.

Health Sciences museum

Tara has tasked Jess and Bill with writing and providing the Health Sciences museum content.

Virtual Tour

Tyler is finalizing the Health Sciences virtual tour video and this could be ready as early as next week.

The STEPS group reached out to Shawn about adding a new "stop" to their Google Maps virtual tour for the new operating room training area. Tyler or Aira have already taken photos of this new room. Tyler is already working on a virtual tour video for the STEPS facility and he can add the photos of this new training area to the video.

Since the STEPS website is mostly stagnant and requires minimal updates throughout the year, Shawn proposed potentially moving the STEPS website into the WVU Health family of websites and designating Bill as the editor.

Student Health

Carmen Burrell and Niki Thorn were asked to provide content (including desired additional links) for a student health area under the WVU Health website. Bill will follow up with Carmen and Niki about this.

Communication Guide

Jess is currently working on adding information to the Communication Guide website. Tara wanted to confirm that school specific communication information will also be added to this website.

Shawn mentioned that this will be very beneficial when the information that the School of Medicine communications group, or any other communicator, needs to convey crosses over with existing information at the Health Sciences level.