April 5, 2023 Meeting



Tara is asking the school communicators to provide one profile each for May 2023 commencement to display on the Commencement website and they will work together to obtain photos and video if needed.

Student recruitment

Dave Olsen presented to the communicators the University's recruiting strategy and how they're using the main WVU website to serve information and obtain user information using a browser's location data. They've identified that in-state users are more interested in career focused information and that out-of-state students (international) are more interested in social and culture information.

We agreed that organically obtaining information using campaign forms is more beneficial to obtaining accurate information than relying on browser cookies.


Shawn mentioned that he's been thinking about whether the employee hub website should become similar to a school website with a primary marketing focus towards employees. The website still won't be promoted as a public-facing website and might even be removed from Siteimprove.


We previewed the work in progress Newsroom application with Tara and Bill and we discussed the following items:

  • When the post author locks a post so that only administrators and specific editors are able to make updates to it, should the author be able to choose those other individuals?
  • If story is shared with another primary or secondary category, should the recipient of the request be able to choose a different primary or secondary category to share it under? If so, should the original author/requestor be notified of this action?