8/31/2021 Meeting


Simulation Week

The new way of adding events in Umbraco is still being worked on and we anticipate being able to add the Simulation Week (September 13-19, 2021) events by the end of this week or early next week.

As Tyler gathers more photos and videos in STEPS, we're hoping to focus the front page of the Health website on simulation topics during this week.

Wendy mentioned that Sophia is writing a story about the addition of more diverse medical simulation manikins being added to STEPS and about their efforts to recruit more diverse standardized patients. The goal is to have this story/stories finished by SIM Week, if not then at least by Diversity Week.

Diversity Week

The 2020 Diversity Week page is archived in Umbraco and the 2021 Diversity Week page is created with the updated dates and minimal content. The profiles will be made editable ahead of Diversity Week so that Wendy can add and update profiles.

Addiction website

The communications group met about the addiction website this morning and Bill is working on refining the content for this website. Matt will be available near the end of September to build this website using the framework of the Health website, similar to how the Coronavirus website was built.


Tara and Wendy updated the Coronavirus resources in Hub, and Tara mentioned that we may need to better organize this section is there should be an influx of these resources.

Google Analytics

The web group will provide Bill with access to the Google Analytics for all of the Health Sciences properties, including the new Google Analytics 4 properties. Shawn wants to set up a meeting in the coming weeks to review how we've interpreted analytics in the past and how we use event tracking. Google Analytics 4 includes more in-depth analytics that will help us make better decisions.

As the recently refreshed pages in the School of Medicine website have gotten a lot of positive feedback, Tara suggested working with the other 4 schools to refresh the higher level sections throughout each website. Bill will help the schools with smaller communications groups to refresh their page.

Dan will check whether the issue with scheduled emails is resolved in Google Analytics 4 properties.