7/7/2021 Meeting



Wendy will update the cards at the top of the Diversity page to highlight more relevant topics. Dan will add the ability to add similar dynamic cards to the Taking a Stand Against Racism page for Wendy to highlight updated topics.

Front page

We reviewed the mockup of the latest messaging for the Health Sciences front page which we will make live this week.

We also discussed our ambitions to make the front page of the website feel more like a "magazine cover" with a "callout" focused on a larger topic and limited smaller "callouts" to other important topics. While the content, media, and context will always dictate the structure and aesthetics of an iteration of the front page, we want to strive to capture and prepare the media and content to better accommodate these various "callouts".

One idea we have is to always include smaller "callouts" that are updated more often than the "callout" for the main topic, and that it's possible that these smaller "callouts" can be added through Umbraco.

Dynamic content for events

We also discussed ideas for adding dynamic "callouts" for when larger events are happening.

  • Diversity Week
    • A different "profile" can display on the front page each day during this week
    • The next upcoming event can automatically display on the front page during this week (live feed)
  • Match Day
  • Simulation Week
    • Tyler, Zane, or Hannah can capture close-up stills and footage of engaging equipment in STEPS including mannequins, laparoscopic surgery, etc.
    • Any media captured in STEPS can also be used in social media
    • A large video can display on the front page to promote Simulation Week
    • A different piece of equipment can be featured on the front page each day during this week


We also discussed adding animations to the elements on the front page:

  • Apply a very slow "zoom" effect to full screen images to draw attention
  • Create a layout with multiple images in "slash" shapes and add subtle animation to each shape